After Two Hours, Ten Minutes Had Passed
Steffen Goldkamp
PYLON-Lab is pleased to present "Nach zwei Stunden waren zehn Minuten vergangen (After Two Hours, Ten Minutes Had Passed)" (2019) by film maker Steffen Goldkamp as an online screening.
The film will be on view until August 13, 2021 and is simultaneously part of the screening program INSOMNIA, curated by PYLON and currently on view at the physical premises of TICK TACK Antwerp, Belgium, where it is on view until August 28, 2021.
The screening program INSOMNIA features video works of seven international artists:
Yalda Afsah
Mit Borrás
Steffen Goldkamp
Vika Kirchenbauer
Thomas Taube
Jeroen Van der Stock
Tobias Zielony
INSOMNIA deals with different levels of reality as well as the phenomenal and psychological processes associated with the night and the motif of sleep. The films portray notions of isolation and solitude, restlessness, subculture and the occult, as they question the twilight states of in-betweenness – the interstice between logic and the delusion.
A selection of films will be streamed here on our website during the month of August:
4th - 8th | "ADAPTASI CYCLE - ARCYRIA" (2021) by Mit Borrás
9th - 13th | "After Two Hours, Ten Minutes Had Passed" (2019) by Steffen Goldkamp
14th - 18th | "Dark Matters" (2014) by Thomas Taube
19th - 23rd | "Night Horse" (2019) by Jeroen Van der Stock
24th - 28th | "Al-Akrab" (2014) by Tobias Zielony
Eating, waiting, haircutting, cleaning, telephone- and bedtime. The perennial daily routine of a juvenile detention center brings about a clotting of time. Bodies are transformed into vehicles, lethargically moved from workshops to single-person cells, down hallways into outdoor areas, from armchair to couch. Nothing makes a difference. Breathing, walking, sitting, lying down again. Existence in a comatose state. The film observes this heterotopic cosmos, picturing a perpetual dissolution. It tells a story of bodies left behind, of an undefined longing. A longing for something different. For an outside so yonder that even the dreamers do not know any longer, if it has even ever existed as such.