Anne Lippert + Matt Arnold
DOCUMNT is a hybrid publishing project loosely based between Berlin, New York, Vancouver and the world wide webspace. It is a space for art-iculating what poetics/politics even is. Founded by Anne Lippert and Matt Arnold in 2015, DOCUMNT is dedicated to conceptual writing, concrete poetry and text-based art. As an artists magazine, archive, publishing collective and mixtape series, it is exploring the intersections of (hyper)text, image and sound as they relate to the posthuman body/environment, with a particular focus on the latest possibilities of documentation, code, memory, analog-digital interaction, experimental poetry and music, repetition, collectivism and sound sculpture explored politically.
DOCUMNT celebrated the release of its first print issue (DOCUMNT1) with a party at ACUD Studio in Berlin back in March 2017. The event was supported by a visual and sound performance of Raster-Noton artist Grischa Lichtenberger, and a DJ set by friends of the project like Alva Noto, Tragedija u Steglitzu, Paul Seidler and sinosc b2b Kurort Spandau.
As a 122-page combination artists book, magazine and theory journal, DOCUMNT1 presents artworks and poetry from Karl Holmqvist, Lars TCF Holdhus, Mirjam Kroker, Hervé ALL and more alongside an abridged MFA thesis deconstructing the male-dominated history of “concrete poetry” by Bristol-based artist/curator Bryony Gillard, and a critical survey of the contemporary conceptual and postconceptual writing field by prof. Simon Roloff of the Literaturinstitut Hildesheim.
Anne Lippert and Matt Arnold are currently working on DOCUMNT2, again in collaboration with artist and graphic designer Johannes Wilke. The second issues will be published in July and will feature works by Hanne Lippard, Anja Kaiser, Anna Erdmann and Experimental Jetset. Copies of DOCUMNT will be available at PYLON-Lab.