Sophie Hoyle
PYLON-Lab is pleased to present the next exhibition at modular gallery HYBRID BOX, starting on April 14, 2022.
Sophie Hoyle is a London based artist and writer whose practice explores an intersectional approach to post-colonial, queer, feminist, critical psychiatry and disability issues. Their work looks at the relation of the personal to (and as) political, individual and collective anxieties, and how alliances can be formed where different kinds of inequality and marginalisation intersect.
They relate personal experiences of being queer, non-binary and part of the SWANA (South-West Asian and North African) diaspora to wider forms of structural violence. From lived experience of psychiatric conditions and trauma (or PTSD), they began to explore the history of biomedical technologies rooted in state and military surveillance and control.
Hoyle received their MFA Fine Art at Goldsmiths, University of London. Their work was presented as part of Transmediale ‘For Refusal’ (2021) with APV Collective, Werkleitz Festival 2021, Psychic Refuge (online project with Forma and Unlimited, 2021), and at Science Gallery London (2019).
The entry to the exhibition is free and open on HELLERAU event days, one hour before and after the start of the event. Please consult the HELLERAU program for exact opening hours.
PYLON will host Part 2 of HYPERACUSIS here on our website. Please click the button on top of the page to view the video.
You can find the transcripts of HYPERACUSIS 1 and 2 via the link down below.
The exhibition is kindly supported by Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen. Gefördert durch die Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen. Diese Maßnahme wird mitfinanziert durch Steuermittel auf der Grundlage des vom Sächsischen Landtag beschlossenen Haushaltes.
HYBRID BOX Modular Gallery
Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 56
01109 Dresden
Access via public transport: tram line 8 stop “Festspielhaus Hellerau“
Hyperacusis Part 1 and Part 2 have been created as part of an EMAP/EMARE residency at Antre Peaux, Bourges, 2021. One was made remotely in London, UK and the other in Bourges, France. They address experiences of mental illness, and navigating healthcare services and treatments in both the UK and France. The films explore experiences of alienation and social marginalisation due to race, culture and gender, and develop discussions around trans-cultural mental health services and linguistic and cultural translation.
Part 1 of Hyperacusis was shot in Ursulab, a new biohacking lab that has opened at Antre Peaux, which is used to explore Western scientific constructs and narratives around migration, race and the categorisation of social groups.
PYLON will be streaming HYPERACUSIS Part 2 online from April 14 until May 15, 2022.
Please click the link underneath the exhibition text for a video transcript.