Hanne Lippard, Grischa Lichtenberger, Hito Steyerl, Anja Kaiser + more
PYLON-Lab invites you to celebrate the release of DOCUMNT’s second issue and enjoy an evening with music by Documnt DJs. Thursday, July 12th, 7pm.
The event will follow the release event at Acud Macht Neu in Berlin, with live performances by Kyoka (Raster), Judith Crasser (Pracht) and Y Nuage (R3) on July 6th.
DOCUMNT2 is Documnt’s second issue of “concrete poetry” and conceptual writing (text-based works), with an unstable focus on changes in the materiality and temporality of archives, especially those pushed by digitalization. How do writers and artists working with text — especially machine-influenced — elaborate new “conditions of the enunciative function” (archive)? DOCUMNT2 features contributions by artists Anna Erdmann, Grischa Lichtenberger, Sarah Newman, Rachel Kalmar, Jessica Yurkofsky, Nico Jungel & burgund t brandt; essays by Hito Steyerl, Johannes Wilke, Anja Kaiser, Daniel Temkin, Ella Coon and Ewa Wójtowicz; poetry by Hanne Lippard and Inside Job; an interview with Malin Gewinner; and quotations by Lynne Huffer, Mark Leckey, Irena Hollowell, aaaaarg.org, Jake Reber and Renata Adler.
23 x 16 cm | 208 pages
Copies will be available at the PYLON-Lab. Please contact documntmag@gmail.com if you would like to reserve a copy.
Scan 20: Notes for Museum Piece for Stedelijk Museums opening campaign, Amsterdam 2012